
There are 42 attributes. Click on the attribute to view a list of toys in the library with this attribute.

Code Description # of toys
EHC Eye-hand Coordination 240
CE Cause and Effect 115
SOR Sorting 108
PRO Problem Solving 47
RP Role Play 163
TAC Tactile Sensory 37
SEQ Sequencing 14
SHA Shapes 49
COL Learning Colour 65
STA Stacking 109
VIS visual thinking 79
TUR Turn Taking 39
FOL Following Directions 13
MEM Memory Skills 12
MC Multi-cultural 14
PARTY Party toys, games + activities 54
COC Concentration 38
LET Letter/Reading Skills 15
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics 104
CO-OP Co-operative game 13
GM Gross motor 89
MA Matching 71
BL Bi-lingual 3
FMS Fine motor skills 250
INDP Independant/single player game 14
AUS Australian 15
POS Posting and putting in (Fine Motor) 67
BAL Balance (Gross Motor) 89
SCR Screwing & Turning (Fine Motor) 26
LAN Language (Communication) 150
IMA Imaginative & creative play 353
LOG Logical Reasoning 47
HAM Hammering/pounding 16
LAC Lacing and threading (Fine Motor) 9
WAT Water play 15
LEV1 Level 1: puzzles 2-12pc/Easy Games (age 2-3) 46
LEV2 Level 2: puzzles 13-60 pcs, Medium games (3-5yrs) 75
LEV3 Level 3: puzzles 61-104 pcs, Hard games (5-8 yrs) 32
LEV4 Level 4: puzzles 105+ pcs, Advanced games (8+yrs) 8
SE Social and emotional learning 11
LEV0 Level 0: knob/chunky inset, 1 piece per hole 37
NUM Numbers/Maths skills 46